Beaches Museum Volunteer Spotlight: Pamela Blalock

Thank You Pam Blalock!

Pamela Blalock recorded 578 hours last year, more than any other volunteer at the Beaches Museum in 2023. We are excited to honor her with our first-ever Volunteer Spotlight! We took a minute to sit down with Pam and ask her some questions about her time with the museum. Read on for the full interview!

Interviewer: You’ve got the most volunteer hours. Congratulations on getting all of those hours!

Pam: Thank you.

What did you spend your time doing before committing so much time to volunteering here at the Beaches Museum?

I was working before I retired.

What did you do for work?

I was the HR Manager for the National Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian.

Do you have a favorite collections item, and if so, what is it?

Ooh… I think I like the Foreman’s House the best.

The Foreman’s House in the History Park

What do you like most about it?

I find the kitchen fascinating, and, um, I don’t know–the adult potty chair. [laughs]

My next question was, do you have a favorite place in the History Park, but I guess–

Oh, well that answers that one, yes.

Do you have a favorite… plant? In the garden?

Oh, I don’t know one plant from another. If it’s not a rose, I don’t know what it is. [laughs]

What has been the most rewarding aspect of volunteering here for you?

Just meeting new people. Getting to make friends and meet people from all over.

Pam Blalock, Paul Meyerherm, and Tim Keeley at Springing the Blooms 2023

Is there a moment or memory that stands out about your time here?

Other than Kate? [laughs]

Do you have any advice for new volunteers?

Just enjoy your time. I mean, I enjoy it. The reason I keep doing it is because I enjoy it–and it gets me out of the house. It gives me something to do as a way to make friends. That’s why I started here.

You have made lots of friends here!

Well, and I started out at the Smithsonian as a docent doing dinosaur tours! So I was kind of–that gave me something to do. It was just a natural flow once I retired and moved down here.

Did you have a favorite dinosaur at the Smithsonian?

Yeah, the parasaurolophus.

I’ll have to look up how to spell that one.

I just love the name!

If you opened your own museum, what would it be the museum of?

Probably dinosaurs. [laughs]

Interested in volunteering? Simply fill out our the form below or ask for an application at the front desk!